Game Community
Penis Man
16 Members

Comments (5)

What do you think?

please tell me this is still being worked on

this is crazy

Penis man is penis

i cant wait for penis man

After the events of sonic '0 dicks, penis man parts ways with his twin brother shadow the hedgehog, and meets up with maurice in cleveland, ohio. It is a barren wasteland. Now, Penis Man must escape the horrors of Ohio.

#shooter #fangame #action #sonic #sega #penisman

Mild Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans

Hey, everyone. In the past few minutes, we've gotten quite a few followers appreciating our work, and I want to reward you. Today, I am going to be releasing a 99% accurate recreation of Penis Man for Nintendo Gamecube. Enjoy.

The game's title screen is complete!